We are now enrolling for the 2025/2026 school year.
If you would like your child to become part of our supportive, dynamic and ever developing school community,
please contact the office on 091757362 or email on [email protected].
Click on the image below to download our enrolment application form
If you would like your child to become part of our supportive, dynamic and ever developing school community,
please contact the office on 091757362 or email on [email protected].
Click on the image below to download our enrolment application form
We are delighted to be welcoming our children back to school on Wednesday 28th August 2024, we can't wait to see you and hear all about your summer activities.
In particular we would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new Junior Infants joining our school community this year, we are so excited to see you all.
This years' school calendar and information regarding the Free Schoolbooks scheme are in the parents section of this website. (link below)
Should you have any questions or queries, please contact us at [email protected]
In particular we would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new Junior Infants joining our school community this year, we are so excited to see you all.
This years' school calendar and information regarding the Free Schoolbooks scheme are in the parents section of this website. (link below)
Should you have any questions or queries, please contact us at [email protected]
Have your say
The Department of Education wants to hear your views on your personal
experience with Special Education
Click on the link below to share your views with the department.
experience with Special Education
Click on the link below to share your views with the department.
Friendship week
This week, we are celebrating friendship week.
The student council are hard at work, bringing the spirit of friendship to Castlegar NS.
We want parents to get involved too... we ask that each parent read our antibullying policy this week.
A link will be emailed to every family, please fill in the google form in the email and let us know once you have read the policy.
The student council are hard at work, bringing the spirit of friendship to Castlegar NS.
We want parents to get involved too... we ask that each parent read our antibullying policy this week.
A link will be emailed to every family, please fill in the google form in the email and let us know once you have read the policy.
Collection for Ukraine
Our newly appointed Student's Council recently asked the school community for donations for the people of Ukraine, and what a response they got!
Take a look below at the amount of items our small school community collected for those in need.
A huge thank you to all.
Take a look below at the amount of items our small school community collected for those in need.
A huge thank you to all.
We would like to remind all families to be extra vigilant for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 as case numbers remain high. See below for a handy reference card. For the protection of the whole school community please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms mentioned below. We thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Intake information evening 2/6/2021
We were delighted to see so many smiling faces on our Zoom call with parents of Junior Infants 2021 - 2022. Thank you to you all for attending.
The Galway City Partnership were kind enough to make this fantastic video about school readiness, please have a look.
Special thanks to Aisling O'Connor, Mary McHugh, Theresa Madden and Anne Marie Chadwick
The Galway City Partnership were kind enough to make this fantastic video about school readiness, please have a look.
Special thanks to Aisling O'Connor, Mary McHugh, Theresa Madden and Anne Marie Chadwick
Safe Schools Advice for Parents is available for parents/guardians in multiple languages below:
Video messages from public health doctors:
Video messages from public health doctors:
I would like to say a huge thank you to all our children, parents and staff for making the first week back to school a huge success. Everyone involved has been exemplary in following the guideline and protocols, keeping Castlegar NS safe for all. We are so looking forward to the next phase of school reopening, the target date for which is set out below.
The target date for the children in senior classes (3rd class, 4th class, 5th class and 6th class) is the 15th of March. This date will be reviewed during the period following the 1st of March.
The target date for the children in senior classes (3rd class, 4th class, 5th class and 6th class) is the 15th of March. This date will be reviewed during the period following the 1st of March.
please note
We would remind all members of the school community of the dangers of spreading this virus through congregation of groups of people. Please be mindful of this in relation to dropping off and collecting children at the school entrance. Congregation at the school entrance or in the school car park is strictly prohibited.
Stay at home if sick
- Children and staff must remain at home if they are displaying any cold or flu like symptoms.
- Children/staff will be isolated immediately and sent home if they display any of the following symptoms consistent with COVID-19:
- High temperature
- Sore throat & runny nose
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
- Loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste
- Parents must provide the school with 2 contact numbers for their child(ren), this is of utmost importance.
- they are identified by the HSE as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
- they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus
- they have travelled outside of Ireland; in such instances parents are advised to consult and follow latest Government advice in relation to foreign travel.
Click below for Castlegar NS Covid-19 Response plan
Click below for Return to School Declaration Form
Click below to see a letter from Minister for education, Norma Foley ,to parents and guardians
Letter from Dr ronan glynn deputy chief medical officer to parents
Downloadable advice for parents from gov.ie
Safe Schools Advice for ParentsAdvice for parents during COVID-19
Returning to Primary Schools Junior Infants to 2nd Class - Advice for parents
Advice for parents during COVID-19
Support for parents while schools are closed
Advice for parents during COVID-19
Returning to Primary Schools Junior Infants to 2nd Class - Advice for parents
Advice for parents during COVID-19
Support for parents while schools are closed
Advice for parents during COVID-19
More Information
In-person Supplementary Programme to Support the Education or Care Needs of pupils with complex needs during this period of school closure
This scheme is intended to enhance the remote learning experience for pupils with complex needs during the school closure period.
If you wish to avail of this scheme please contact the school at [email protected]
If you wish to avail of this scheme please contact the school at [email protected]
January 2021
As per government guidelines, school will remain physically closed until February 1st 2021.
There will be a school book collection this Monday 11th January in the school.
Families with surnames beginning with A - M may collect from 2pm - 3pm.
Families with surnames beginning with N - Z may collect from 3pm - 4pm.
Please remain in your car, a member of staff will place your childs' books in your boot.
Online learning will commence this Tuesday 12th January on Seesaw. If any parent/student has any trouble accessing Seesaw please contact me at [email protected].
We can't wait to hear from all the children on Seesaw and really look forward to seeing them back in the school building. Until then, please stay safe, and don't hesitate to contact me with any queries.
Le gach dea guí,
Caitriona McCormack
There will be a school book collection this Monday 11th January in the school.
Families with surnames beginning with A - M may collect from 2pm - 3pm.
Families with surnames beginning with N - Z may collect from 3pm - 4pm.
Please remain in your car, a member of staff will place your childs' books in your boot.
Online learning will commence this Tuesday 12th January on Seesaw. If any parent/student has any trouble accessing Seesaw please contact me at [email protected].
We can't wait to hear from all the children on Seesaw and really look forward to seeing them back in the school building. Until then, please stay safe, and don't hesitate to contact me with any queries.
Le gach dea guí,
Caitriona McCormack
Check out our learning at home page here >>> |
Click on the Button to the right for letter re delayed reopening of schools January 2021
a christmas message
With only 4 more sleeps til Christmas, on behalf of the whole school community, I want to thank each and every child, parent, staff member and the Board of Management for their time, effort and support this year. Together we bravely faced a very challenging time, together we made the school a safe space into which we welcomed our children, and together we will continue to keep Castlegar NS fun, friendly, safe and welcoming. A sincere thank you to you all.
I hope your Christmas will be merry and bright, and I look forward to seeing you all in 2021.
With every good wish,
Caitriona McCormack.
I hope your Christmas will be merry and bright, and I look forward to seeing you all in 2021.
With every good wish,
Caitriona McCormack.
Merry Monday Morning
Tree Top Tuesday!
Winter Wonderland Wednesday
Terrific tv thursday
festive friday
Science week fun
Science is so much fun, and dont forget you can do so much at home with simple things!!! Get experimenting
Happy halloween!!!!!!!!!!
To our children, staff, parents and whole community, have a fantastic Halloween. Take care of one another and stay safe.
Although we won't be in school, don't think you don't have homework!
Homework for the week:
Unfortunately trick or treating cannot go ahead this year, but we can have just as much fun at home. Why not try out some of the games at the websites below.
Don't forget to keep in touch, email us at [email protected] with pictures of any fun activities
HAVE FUN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From all at Castlegar School
Although we won't be in school, don't think you don't have homework!
Homework for the week:
- eat lots of sweets (well not too many!!)
- have loads of fun
- play outside
- dress up in crazy costumes
- take a well earned rest, you have all worked so hard in the last two months, you deserve a break!
Unfortunately trick or treating cannot go ahead this year, but we can have just as much fun at home. Why not try out some of the games at the websites below.
- https://www.rte.ie/lifestyle/living/2016/0923/818665-5-easy-but-simple-halloween-party-games/
- https://www.thespruce.com/halloween-party-games-kids-1357658
- https://www.familyfun.ie/halloween-party-games/
- https://www.schooldays.ie/articles/halloween-games
Don't forget to keep in touch, email us at [email protected] with pictures of any fun activities
HAVE FUN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From all at Castlegar School
Halloween Parade
What an amazing bunch of students and staff we have, well done everyone for dressing up and creating some fabulous pumpkin carvings! You all made today such a fun and special day!
Our first two days
To our fabulous students, parents and staff. We cannot thank you enough for making the transition back to school so easy and seamless. Your support, understanding and dedication to following the procedures and guidelines has made a potentially very challenging time straightforward and trouble-free.
The calm and relaxed atmosphere in school was commented upon by all staff. That could not have been possible without the team work and collaboration of the whole school community.
To see 85 smiling, happy children arrive at school each of the last two mornings, following the new procedures like absolute pros, makes us so proud.
In short... THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all!
The calm and relaxed atmosphere in school was commented upon by all staff. That could not have been possible without the team work and collaboration of the whole school community.
To see 85 smiling, happy children arrive at school each of the last two mornings, following the new procedures like absolute pros, makes us so proud.
In short... THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all!
Back to School
We are so delighted to be welcoming our children back to school. We cannot wait to see their smiling faces.
Please clik below to see our COVID-19 response plan. We thank you in advance for adhering to our procedures.
Please clik below to see our COVID-19 response plan. We thank you in advance for adhering to our procedures.

castlegar_ns_covid-19_response_plan.docx | |
File Size: | 78 kb |
File Type: | docx |
drop off
Please only drop your child(ren) at 8:50am to avoid the situation where they are mixing with others.
pick up
Please pick up your child(ren) promptly at their designated pick up time and place:
2019-2020 year end
Today marks the end of an extraordinary year in Castlegar NS. We want to thank you sincerely for your support throughout the year. To our students, we are so proud of each and every one of you. You make Castlegar NS the fun, lively and happy place it is, and we have missed you all so much. We cannot wait to see you all next year and welcome you back to school and we have some great news... Our AstroTurf is finished and ready to go for next year! Have a fantastic summer.
6th Class 2020
Today also marks the end of Primary school for some very special people. To our 6th class, we wish you all the best in your new adventure in secondary school and every success in the future. We are so lucky to have had you as part of our school. The future is indeed bright. Go n-eirí an t-ádh libh xxx
Note to parents - Summer 2020
Dear Parents,
I sincerely hope you and your families are still safe and well. This school year has been exceptional to say the least, we have had many changes and faced many challenges.
The year began with the opening of our fabulous new extension, special thanks to all involved in seeing this project come to fruition.
I took over as acting principal in September, your support and kindness to me in this role, made each day a pleasure. Special mention to the wonderful staff of Castlegar NS for their encouragement and commitment. Never did I imagine I would be spending the last term of my first year in this position, leading the school remotely. I am so grateful to the children, parents, staff, Board of Management and the wider school community for their support and encouragement during this time.
This year also saw an addition to Mrs. O’Connor’s family, a bouncing baby boy. Huge congratulations to her on the birth of her little bundle of joy. Wishing Mrs. O’Connor a happy and restful summer and maternity leave.
We are so proud of our wonderful children in their dedication to distance learning and I want to commend you, the parents. We appreciate the work you have done in continuing your child’s educational development? in very challenging circumstances, we appreciate it hasn’t always been easy. Your support has been invaluable and we could not have done it without you. Thank you!
This brings me onto the work done by our wonderful staff. Their dedication and diligence in creating fun and engaging learning activities and offering support and encouragement to the students is to be applauded. Teachers, SNA’s and our irreplaceable secretary have worked tirelessly to keep the school running remotely.
I’m sure you have many questions about next year. Unfortunately, at present, we don’t have all the answers to these questions. We are awaiting guidelines and advice from the Department of Education to support us in planning for the safe return of the children to school. We will contact you as soon as we possibly can with guidance. I appreciate your patience.
In the meantime, please continue to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette with your children during the holidays. This practice in their daily lives will also help in preparing them for a safe return to school.
To our 6th class, you will be greatly missed. The years you spent in Castlegar NS will always be fondly remembered, and your impact on the school was clear to see at your graduation last Friday, very few eyes were left dry! Wishing you every success in your future, we have no doubt you will all go far.
To our students returning for the 2020/2021 school year, we have missed you all and are really looking forward to seeing you back at school. We are delighted to announce that the AstroTurf is complete and will be ready to use next year! We would like to offer huge appreciation to Kevin Madden who invested a lot of time and effort in helping us achieve this goal, it has made our school grounds a more modern and safer place for the whole school community. Thank you!
Finally, on behalf of myself and the whole staff I want to thank you once again for all your support and kind words throughout the year. You can always contact me by email on [email protected], please do so, even just to say hello. Until we meet again, have a safe, happy and well deserved summer break.
Warm regards,
Caitriona McCormack
Dear Parents,
I sincerely hope you and your families are still safe and well. This school year has been exceptional to say the least, we have had many changes and faced many challenges.
The year began with the opening of our fabulous new extension, special thanks to all involved in seeing this project come to fruition.
I took over as acting principal in September, your support and kindness to me in this role, made each day a pleasure. Special mention to the wonderful staff of Castlegar NS for their encouragement and commitment. Never did I imagine I would be spending the last term of my first year in this position, leading the school remotely. I am so grateful to the children, parents, staff, Board of Management and the wider school community for their support and encouragement during this time.
This year also saw an addition to Mrs. O’Connor’s family, a bouncing baby boy. Huge congratulations to her on the birth of her little bundle of joy. Wishing Mrs. O’Connor a happy and restful summer and maternity leave.
We are so proud of our wonderful children in their dedication to distance learning and I want to commend you, the parents. We appreciate the work you have done in continuing your child’s educational development? in very challenging circumstances, we appreciate it hasn’t always been easy. Your support has been invaluable and we could not have done it without you. Thank you!
This brings me onto the work done by our wonderful staff. Their dedication and diligence in creating fun and engaging learning activities and offering support and encouragement to the students is to be applauded. Teachers, SNA’s and our irreplaceable secretary have worked tirelessly to keep the school running remotely.
I’m sure you have many questions about next year. Unfortunately, at present, we don’t have all the answers to these questions. We are awaiting guidelines and advice from the Department of Education to support us in planning for the safe return of the children to school. We will contact you as soon as we possibly can with guidance. I appreciate your patience.
In the meantime, please continue to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette with your children during the holidays. This practice in their daily lives will also help in preparing them for a safe return to school.
To our 6th class, you will be greatly missed. The years you spent in Castlegar NS will always be fondly remembered, and your impact on the school was clear to see at your graduation last Friday, very few eyes were left dry! Wishing you every success in your future, we have no doubt you will all go far.
To our students returning for the 2020/2021 school year, we have missed you all and are really looking forward to seeing you back at school. We are delighted to announce that the AstroTurf is complete and will be ready to use next year! We would like to offer huge appreciation to Kevin Madden who invested a lot of time and effort in helping us achieve this goal, it has made our school grounds a more modern and safer place for the whole school community. Thank you!
Finally, on behalf of myself and the whole staff I want to thank you once again for all your support and kind words throughout the year. You can always contact me by email on [email protected], please do so, even just to say hello. Until we meet again, have a safe, happy and well deserved summer break.
Warm regards,
Caitriona McCormack
Here is a link to a book for children about the Coronavirus. It explains the virus and the impact it has on our world. It also can help with any possible anxiety over the illness. Be sure to read through it yourself before sharing with your child.
There are some helpful links on the last page too.
There are some helpful links on the last page too.
Happy Easter to all our students, parents, staff and the wider community.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well in these very challenging times.
You might be inclined to create a minute by minute schedule for your children. You have high hopes of hours of learning, including online activities, science experiments and book reports. You'll limit technology until everything is done. But here's the thing....
Our children are just as scared as we are right now. They hear everything that is going on around them and they feel our constant tension and anxiety. They have never experienced anything like this before. Although the idea of being off school for weeks sounds great they are probably picturing a fun time like summer holidays, not the reality of being trapped at home and not seeing their friends.
Over the coming weeks, you may see an increase in behaviour issues with your children. Whether it's anxiety, or anger or protest that they can't do things normally. You may see meltdowns, tantrums and oppositional behaviour. This is normal, and expected under these circumstances.
What children need right now, is to feel comforted and loved, and to feel like it's all going to be OK. That might mean that you tear up your perfect schedule, play outside and go on walks, bake cookies and paint pictures, play board games and watch movies, do a science experiment together or find virtual field trips of the zoo. Start a book and read together as a family. Snuggle under warm blankets and do nothing!!
Don't worry about them losing out at school. Every child is in the same boat and they will be OK. When we are back in the classroom, we will meet them where ever they are at. Teachers are experts at this! Don't pick fights with your children because they don't want to do Maths or Irish. Don't scream at your children for not following the schedule. Don't mandate two hours of learning time if they are resisting it.
If I can leave you with one thing, it's this: at the end of all this your child's mental health will be more important than their academic skills. How they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they did during those weeks is long gone. So keep that in mind every single day.
Please stay safe and well,
All the staff at Castlegar NS
I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well in these very challenging times.
You might be inclined to create a minute by minute schedule for your children. You have high hopes of hours of learning, including online activities, science experiments and book reports. You'll limit technology until everything is done. But here's the thing....
Our children are just as scared as we are right now. They hear everything that is going on around them and they feel our constant tension and anxiety. They have never experienced anything like this before. Although the idea of being off school for weeks sounds great they are probably picturing a fun time like summer holidays, not the reality of being trapped at home and not seeing their friends.
Over the coming weeks, you may see an increase in behaviour issues with your children. Whether it's anxiety, or anger or protest that they can't do things normally. You may see meltdowns, tantrums and oppositional behaviour. This is normal, and expected under these circumstances.
What children need right now, is to feel comforted and loved, and to feel like it's all going to be OK. That might mean that you tear up your perfect schedule, play outside and go on walks, bake cookies and paint pictures, play board games and watch movies, do a science experiment together or find virtual field trips of the zoo. Start a book and read together as a family. Snuggle under warm blankets and do nothing!!
Don't worry about them losing out at school. Every child is in the same boat and they will be OK. When we are back in the classroom, we will meet them where ever they are at. Teachers are experts at this! Don't pick fights with your children because they don't want to do Maths or Irish. Don't scream at your children for not following the schedule. Don't mandate two hours of learning time if they are resisting it.
If I can leave you with one thing, it's this: at the end of all this your child's mental health will be more important than their academic skills. How they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they did during those weeks is long gone. So keep that in mind every single day.
Please stay safe and well,
All the staff at Castlegar NS
Flags For Frontline Heroes Campaign
Across the country, children are coming to a new realisation that heroes come in many forms and that many of them in fact are in their own homes. In the face of the Global COVID-19 pandemic, these heroes are their parents, cousins, neighbours and friends who are spending long hours, day and night, fighting to ensure that this virus is controlled and lives are protected.
IPPN, along with other education and sporting organisations, propose that, as a show of support for those workers and volunteers on front lines at this critical time, all children who have a flag in their national, county or club colours, or whatever team they follow across any code, would hang that flag from their gate posts, windows, or wherever they would normally place a flag when supporting their county club or team ahead of an important match. If they don’t have a flag, children could be encouraged to create a flag on a sheet of paper or cardboard, or by doing some sewing, with the added benefit of keeping them occupied for a while.
While sports events at the moment are currently postponed, such a show of solidarity from the children of the country towards those on the front line will demonstrate our gratitude for their marvellous dedication to their critical work at this extraordinary time. Hanging out the flags will also provide colour to lift everybody at a time when people are psychologically feeling the effects of this terrible pandemic.
We have asked the INTO, post-primary school leaders, education agencies and sports organisations to support the initiative and to use their communication platforms to share this information with their members.
We hope that in the coming days, with your help, every road, street, lane, avenue, estate and apartment complex will be festooned with colour to honour our heroes - our families, neighbours and friends in the front-line services.
Across the country, children are coming to a new realisation that heroes come in many forms and that many of them in fact are in their own homes. In the face of the Global COVID-19 pandemic, these heroes are their parents, cousins, neighbours and friends who are spending long hours, day and night, fighting to ensure that this virus is controlled and lives are protected.
IPPN, along with other education and sporting organisations, propose that, as a show of support for those workers and volunteers on front lines at this critical time, all children who have a flag in their national, county or club colours, or whatever team they follow across any code, would hang that flag from their gate posts, windows, or wherever they would normally place a flag when supporting their county club or team ahead of an important match. If they don’t have a flag, children could be encouraged to create a flag on a sheet of paper or cardboard, or by doing some sewing, with the added benefit of keeping them occupied for a while.
While sports events at the moment are currently postponed, such a show of solidarity from the children of the country towards those on the front line will demonstrate our gratitude for their marvellous dedication to their critical work at this extraordinary time. Hanging out the flags will also provide colour to lift everybody at a time when people are psychologically feeling the effects of this terrible pandemic.
We have asked the INTO, post-primary school leaders, education agencies and sports organisations to support the initiative and to use their communication platforms to share this information with their members.
We hope that in the coming days, with your help, every road, street, lane, avenue, estate and apartment complex will be festooned with colour to honour our heroes - our families, neighbours and friends in the front-line services.
Click the button below to pop over to our Learning at Home page for links to some great websites and ideas for activities
As per Government guidelines, Castlegar NS will remain closed until Monday 30th of March, to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Teachers have sent home packs of work for the children and please keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates, information and extra activities to keep the children busy over the next two weeks.
Please reassure our children, and help reduce their anxiety by talking to them. Here is some very good advice on how to talk to children and young people about COVID-19...
We all must remember to follow the guidelines, wash hands and keep social gatherings to a minimum.
Wishing you all good health
Please reassure our children, and help reduce their anxiety by talking to them. Here is some very good advice on how to talk to children and young people about COVID-19...
We all must remember to follow the guidelines, wash hands and keep social gatherings to a minimum.
Wishing you all good health
We need your help .....
Here at Castlegar National School we are fundraising to install an all-weather pitch for our school. A huge amount of fundraising has been done in the past which has allowed us to consider proceeding with an AstroTurf pitch for September 2019. There is, however, still a shortfall of funds, €20,000, that has to be raised for the groundworks, fencing etc. This will be a fantastic asset to the school and the children and will allow them to play outside whatever the weather. We would ask that you please get behind us and support this extremely worthy cause.
All donations of €10 will be automatically entered in our Astro Bingo fundraiser raffle which takes place on June 14th. Every €10 donated gets one ticket – for example if you donate €20 – that’s two tickets, a donation of €50 gets 5 tickets for the draw etc...
The Raffle Prizes include:
So please get behind us and make this happen for the children - just click on the donate button above !
All donations of €10 will be automatically entered in our Astro Bingo fundraiser raffle which takes place on June 14th. Every €10 donated gets one ticket – for example if you donate €20 – that’s two tickets, a donation of €50 gets 5 tickets for the draw etc...
The Raffle Prizes include:
- First Prize €1000
- Second Prize €500
- Third Prize €300
- Fourth Prize €200
So please get behind us and make this happen for the children - just click on the donate button above !
Our School Choir sang some beautiful Christmas Carols at the Christmas Market on Monday last. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to join in.
Proud national winners of the SEAI One Good Idea Campaign for Primary Schools 2018.
The Laundry Brigade’s One Good Idea was encourage people to use washing machines more efficiently and to think carefully about how much water they use. Research conducted by the team about the laundry habits of families in Ireland inspired The Laundry Brigade to promote actions such as ‘handwashing clothes’ when possible and ‘not using dryers.
The Laundry Brigade’s One Good Idea was encourage people to use washing machines more efficiently and to think carefully about how much water they use. Research conducted by the team about the laundry habits of families in Ireland inspired The Laundry Brigade to promote actions such as ‘handwashing clothes’ when possible and ‘not using dryers.
Class of 2018 Slideshow from castlegarns on Vimeo. A look back at the school year.....
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